Career Support

An overarching aim of our RTG 2978 is to structurally and personally support the individual and diverse career track options of RTG alumni, both within and outside academia.

RTG Career Support Measures

Round-Table-Discussions: Exchange of experiences with participants from diverse professional fields

International Lab Rotations: Voluntary rotations to access additional methodology and to open avenues for postdoc positions

Career Coaching Workshops: As part of the RTG 2978 curriculum we offer courses on e.g. communication/interview training, grant writing skills, and transferable skills classes

Qualification Beyond Academia: The RTG 2978 qualification program offers courses revolving around topics such as transfer and industry, as well as access to the Transfer Scouting Program of the CCC-N

Role Model Meetings: RTG 2978 trainees invite and meet role models with different personal and professional background

Career Advancement Service: Organizes Job Shadowing options in academia and beyond

Beyond-Glory Meetings: Here, scientists of different professional fields talk about drawbacks, obstacles, and non-straight-forward career paths

Mentor-Mentee Concept: Each RTG 2978 trainee will select a personal mentor for the next career phase. The mentor seeks to provide a guided start in the RTG and provides advice and guidance throughout the thesis and first professional experiences

Career Perspectives for RTG 2978 Alumni

Our RTG 2978 alumni will qualify for a wide spectrum of professional perspectives inside and outside academia. Importantly, there are several programs at both RTG 2978 sites that provide local career perspectives for our RTG alumni:

  • Clinician Scientist Programs
  • Habilitation Programs
  • Seed Funds for Early Postdoc Phase
  • RTG 2978 Start Up Funding (for PhD RTG 2978 alumni)