Prof. Dr. Arndt Vogel

Arndt Vogel is a Principal Investigator in SP7 and a member of the Curriculum Committee.

His research focus lies on translational and clinical research concerning hepatobiliary malignancies.

Prof. Vogel is currently a ESMO faculty member for Gastrointestinal Tumors, non-colorectal, and served as coordinator of the ESMO Clinical Practice Guideline Biliary Tract Cancer in 2021. From 2020 to 2024, he was a ESMO Membership Committee Member. He has served as a research group leader since 2004 and head of the AIO group “Hepatobiliary cancers” since 2010.

Year Position
Since 2021 Head of the center for Personalized Medicine, MHH
Since 2018 Coordinator of the ESMO Clinical Practice Guideline HCC
Since 2016 Head of the Visceral-Oncological Center, MHH
Since 2009 Senior Consultant in Internal Medicine, MHH
2010 Board Certification “Gastroenterology”
2009 Venia legendi, Internal Medicine, MHH
2008 Board Certification “Internal Medicine”
2004-2009 Internal Medicine Fellowship, MHH
2002-2004 Postdoctoral Fellow, OHSU, Portland, Oregon, US
2000-2002 Internal Medicine Fellowship, MHH
1999 Dr. med. (“magna cum laude”), Dr. Binder/Prof. Oellerich, Dept. of Clinical Chemistry Universität Göttingen
1998-1999 Internal Medicine Internship, Zentral Krankenhaus Mitte, Bremen
1991-1997 Studies of Human Medicine, University of Göttingen