Prof. Dr. Günter Schneider

Günter Schneider is a Principal Investigator in SP6 and a member of the Curriculum Committee.

His research aims to uncover vulnerabilities of gastrointestinal cancers, and to understand the mechanisms driving therapy tolerance and resistance.

He is a contributor to the 'Curriculum Oncologicum', a collection of elective courses for medical students, and a member of the International Max Planck Research School for Molecular Biology (IMPRS-MB) and the Molecular Medicine program. He is also the founder and organizer of the annual 'CCC-N Young Cancer Scientist' symposia, a forum for young researchers to present their work.

In 2023, he jointly organized the "Digital Oncology Conference" with Prof. Michael Heuser of the MHH in Hanover, which laid a strong focus on fostering participation by early career researchers. In 2024, he jointly organized the "Fourth German Pancreatic Cancer Research Meeting" with Prof. Elisabeth Hessmann in Göttingen. This meeting included the "Young Cancer Scientist Satellite Symposium", an event for and by early career cancer researchers.

Year Achievement
Since 2021 Board of Directors G-CCC Göttingen, Coordinator CCC Lower Saxony (CCC-N), Translational Research
Since 2021 W2 Professor Translational Cancer Research, Department of General, Visceral and Pediatric Surgery, UMG
2008 Habilitation Internal Medicine, TU Munich
2003 Dr. med. (magna cum laude), Julius Maximilian University, Würzburg
2002-2021 Group Leader, Principal Investigator, TU München
1998-2002 Research Associate/Clinical Fellow, University of Ulm
1990-1997 Studies of Human Medicine, Universities of Regensburg and Würzburg