Research Facilities at CCC-N

High-tech medicine for cutting-edge cancer research

Cutting-edge medical research depends on the availability of modern research infrastructures. The CCC-N offers researchers at the MHH and the UMG service, access or collaborative use of a wide range of equipment and core facilities. This intends to promote innovative research projects or research collaborations in the field of translational research and to enable the rapid transfer of basic oncological research into clinical application through the use of state-of-the-art methods.

Contact details

Lower Saxony Unified Biobank

At both MHH and UMG, oncology research is supported by the Lower Saxony Unified Biobank (LSUB). The LSUB is jointly operated by the central biobanks from both sites (Central Biobank UMG & Hannover Unified Biobank) to provide added value to researchers. The LSUB provides high-quality biospecimens, a comprehensive service for research projects and is equipped with a state-of-the-art and secure biobank infrastructure.


Göttingen Site (Central Biobank UMG)
PD Dr. Sara Nußbeck
Phone: +49 551 3965701
Email: sara.nussbeck(at)

Hannover Site (Hannover Unified Biobank)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Illig
Phone: +49 511 5350 8450
Email: illig.thomas(at)

Clinical Study Center (UMG)

The UMG study center is the core facility that forms the interface to investigators at the UMG and supports the processes involved in clinical studies.

This includes methodological support for the planning and conceptual elaboration of the projects as well as professional support for studies during the application phase and third-party funding, as well as the collection, (biometric) analysis and joint publication of the study data. The UMG study center focuses on supporting IITs, but it also offers support for contract research studies.

Dr. Ralf Tostmann
Phone: +49 551 3960812
Email: studienzentrum-umg(at)​​​​​​​

Translational Clinical Research Core Facility - ECTU and CRC (MHH)

At Hannover Medical School (MHH), the Clinical Research Center (CRC) offers professional infrastructure and a highly qualified medical study team for organizing and conducting early clinical trials of phases I and IIa as well as experimental proof of concept studies. The CRC, which is operated jointly with the Fraunhofer ITEM and the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, provides a professional infrastructure with its 20-bed Early Clinical Trial Unit (ECTU), study outpatient clinics and special diagnostic rooms for conducting translational and experimental proof of concept studies. Under the umbrella of a highly developed quality management system, research focuses on quality-assured clinical drug development and development of new therapeutic compounds.

Prof. Dr. med. Christoph Schindler
Phone: +49 511 5350 8300
Email: schindler.christoph(at)

Please visit the Website of the Translational Clinical Research Infrastructure of the MHH for detailed information.

Cellular Therapy Centre (MHH)

The Cellular Therapy Centre (CTC) of Hannover Medical School (MHH) is a drug manufacturing facility for the pharmaceutical company MHH. The CTC is responsible for clinical scale-up work, validation and application of the respective manufacturing license of different cellular and tissue therapies, the collection from cell and tissue donations, and the relevant professional associations under the monitoring of local, federal and European supervisory authorities with a clinical application.

Director of Institute: Prof. Dr. Dr. Ulrike Köhl
Head of CTC: Dr. med. Lubomir Arseniev
Phone: +49 511 5327960
Email: Zelltherapeutika(at)

Cell Sorting Unit (UMG)

The scientific flow cytophotometry (Cell-Sorting) is a core facility of the University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG), associated with the Department of Hematology and Oncology in terms of personnel and organization. The facility has available three flow cytophotometers (FACScan, FACSCalibur, FACSCanto) and two sorting devices (FACS Vantage SE, ARIA II) for isolation and purification of cell populations.

Prof. Dr. Gerald Wulf
Phone: +49 551 3912772
Email: cellsorting(at)

Clinical Optical Microscopy (UMG)

The technology platform Clinical Optical Microscopy supports the development and application of advanced optical imaging technology for the (bio)medical sciences, and aims at strengthening their clinical use. The platform offers 3D imaging of tissue blocks using mesoscopic light sheet microscopy, Deep-tissue near-infrared imaging in tissue slices and Molecular imaging by Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM)

Dr. Gertrude Bunt
Telefon: 0511/5322808
Email: gbundt(at)

Stem Cell Unit (UMG)

The Stem Cell Unit – Göttingen (SCU) is a technology platform at the University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG). The facility offers support in research and teaching in the fields of human iPSCs and CRISPR/Cas9-based genome editing for clinics and institutes of the UMG and the University Göttingen, as well as for university and extra-university research institutions of the science center Göttingen and beyond.

Dr. Lukas Cyganek
Phone: +49 551 3964280
Email: lukas.cyganek(at)

Cell Sorting Unit (MHH)

The central research facility Cell Sorting ("Sorter-Laboratory") is a service laboratory for all research groups at Hannover Medical School. It follows the recommendations of the European Science Foundation ("Basic Requirements for Research Infrastructures in Europe").

Four high-speed cell sorters are available for flow cytometric sorting of eukaryote and prokaryote cells (including biological safety levels BSL2/S2), allowing sorting of cells according to up to 17 parameters. We also provide support in the planning and execution flow cytometric experiments.

Dr. Matthias Ballmaier
Phone: +49 511 532-6731
Email: sorter-lab(at)

Next Generation Sequencing (UMG)

The NGS Core Facility for Integrative Genomics (NIG) is a scientific Core Facility supported by the University Medical Center Göttingen. The Core Unit has been supporting the biomedical research in Göttingen and other external research institutions in the field of genomics, transcriptomics, and epigenomics over the past 21 years. We offer our expertise and our state-of-the-art infrastructure including a One-Stop-Shop platform connecting the Wet-Lab with an efficient IT-infrastructure and fully automated First-Pass data analysis.

In 2019 we incorporated the single-cell RNA/DNA- sequencing platform by using standard technologies (10x genomics, iCELL8) and a novel single-cell RNA-sequencing approach developed in our Core Unit (CellenONE/ICELL8).

Our scientific consultancy and services can be used by working groups of the UMG as well as university and non-university cooperation partners, national and international, on the basis of collaboration and cost sharing.

Dr. Gabriela Salinas
Phone: +49 551 3960778
Email: gsalina(at) or gabriela.salinas(at)

Genomics (MHH)

The Research Core Unit Genomics (RCUG) of the MHH is available for the planning and conduction of modern high-throughput procedures for nucleic acid analysis.

Dr. Oliver Dittrich-Breiholz
Phone: +49 511 5325814
Email: dittrich.oliver(at) 

Proteomics (UMG)

High resolution mass spectrometry (HR-MS) is a key technology that enables proteome research in the biomedical and clinical field. In-depth analyses of protein expression profiles, posttranslational protein modifications (PTMs) or protein/protein interaction networks provide deep insights into the molecular basis of health and disease. In addition, mass spectrometry offers promising new approaches to the development of molecular biomarkers for the diagnosis and treatment of severe diseases,

At the UMG’s Core Facility Proteomics (CF Pro), we offer a comprehensive portfolio of HR-MS-based workflows for the analysis of complex samples to both internal and external research groups. In addition to cell-based experimental approaches, we have developed and implemented robust label-free workflows for proteome analysis in a range of tissues and body fluids. These allow for the analysis of medium-sized sample cohorts as a prerequisite for clinical proteomics. In addition to our existing service portfolio for routine analysis, we are constantly developing novel, customized analytical workflows on a collaborative basis.

Dr. Christof Lenz
Telefon: +49 551 39 65192
Email: christof.lenz(at)

Proteomics (MHH)

The Proteomics lab of the MHH is equipped with up to date instruments to perform MS-based investigations on single proteins and peptides and complete proteomes. The MS lab is open for collaboration with other groups and offers services including protein identification, analysis of post translational modifications, and investigations of complete proteomes. We also offer consultations and advice for the experimental design of MS-experiments.

Prof. Dr. Andreas Pich
Phone: +49 511 5322808
Email: pich.andreas(at)

Metabolomics (MHH)

The Research Core Unit (RCU) Metabolomics is a service laboratory primarily intended for research groups at the Hannover Medical School (MHH). It meets the Basic Requirements for Research Infrastructures in Europe issued by the European Science Foundation.

The spectrum of analyses includes the simultaneous quantification of various endogenous metabolites by means of GC- and LC-MS/MS. Our focus areas are nucleotidomics (including modified nucleotides), neurotransmitters and neurotransmitter metabolites, steroid/metabolomics/bile acid kits, selected drugs, non-targeted analyses.

Prof. Dr. Roland Seifert
Phone: +49 511 5322805
Email: seifert.roland(at)

Preclinical Molecular Imaging (MHH)

The Center for Preclinical Molecular Imaging at the Department of Nuclear Medicine is equipped with the most advanced techniques for high-resolution in vivo studies with radiopharmaceuticals. A high-resolution PET-CT camera and a SPECT-CT camera are used to establish new nuclear medicine molecular imaging techniques in the preclinical, experimental setting to lay the groundwork for clinical application.

The center also offers a wide range of established techniques and is available to MHH research groups and external groups through collaborations to strengthen their projects with innovative in vivo molecular imaging.

Dr. Jens Bankstahl
Telefon: +49 511 5323504
Email: bankstahl.jens(at)


Starting at the end of 2017, the Center for Biostructural Imaging of Neurodegeneration (BIN) can offer the services of a new high performance instrument, a nanoscale secondary ion mass spectroscope (NanoSIMS 50L) from the company CAMECA, to analyze the composition of a variety of samples. The NanoSIMS 50L is consists of a unique ion beam microprobe that enables SIMS analyses with very high lateral resolution. The NanoSIMS methodology will be applied in the BIN for the correlative imaging of specific biological organelles, and will thus provide first insights into local protein and organelle turnover in a variety of cells and tissues.

The NanoSIMS 50L is available not only to scientists of the Göttingen University and of the University Medical Center Göttingen, but also to external users.

Prof. Dr. Silvio Rizzoli
Phone: +49 551 395911
Email: srizzol(at)

Laser Microscopy (MHH)

The research core unit for laser microscopy at the Hannover Medical School (MHH) provides equipment and accessory services for laser based confocal and multiphoton microscopy. Currently seven microscopes are available for performing laser scanning or spinning disk confocal microscopy, multiphoton microscopy as well as and automated microscopy.

The microscopes are equipped with incubation systems for live microscopy.

The facility is open to all scientists from the MHH and the Braunschweig Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research as well as to external researchers from other institutions.

Dr. Rudolf Bauerfeind
Phone: +49 511 5323914
Email: konfokal(at)

Structural Biochemistry (MHH)

The Division for Structural Biochemistry of Hannover Medical School provides support for X-Ray crystallography, structural bioinformatics and analytical ultracentrifugation.

X-Ray crystallography
Dr. Roman Fedorov
Phone: +49 511 5323705
Email: fedorov.roman(at)

Structural Bioinformatics
Dr. Emanuel Peter
Phone: +49 511 5322804
Email: peter.emanuel(at)

Analytical Ultracentrifugation
Prof. Dr. Ute Curth
Phone: +49 511 5329372
Email: curth.ute(at)

Medical Biometry and Statistical Bioinformatics (UMG)

The Core Facility Medical Biometry and Statistical Bioinformatics (MBSB), positioned in the Department of Medical Statistics, is a Scientific Core Facility of the University Medical Center Göttingen. The task of this Scientific Core Facility is the biometrical and bioinformatical support of the institutions, working groups  and Ph.D. students of the UMG with the planning and analysis of scientific studies and experiments. Bioinformatics support comprises the analysis of microarray, proteomics as well as next-generation sequencing (NGS) data in particular. Depending on the available capacities, the service can also be used by other institutions of the University of Göttingen as well as non-university research institutions at the Göttingen Campus.

Dr. Andreas Leha
Phone: +49 551 3964829
Email: service.biometry.bioinformatics(at)

Medical Data Integration Center (MeDIC)

The Medical Data Integration Centers (MeDIC) were established within the framework of the Medical Informatics Initiative (MII) as part of the HiGHmed consortium. The consortia of the MII have set up such a MeDIC at each university hospital in order to create the technical and organizational requirements for cross-institutional data usage processes. On this basis, solutions and services for data integration, data analysis and data exchange as well as health care and research data are to be made available to researchers.

Prof. Dr. med. Tibor Kesztyüs
Phone: + 49 5513961531

Dr. Matthias Gietzelt
Phone: + 49 5115321501